Category: edci338

Blog Post #11

Reflect on your experience in the course, your development of PLN, your use of social media platforms and networked publics, share any changes in your perspective of social media in professional settings and personal use.

Before starting this course, I thought I fully understood the meaning and purpose of social media and networked publics. I knew that social media was a powerful tool but not to the extent I understand it now. I believe that learning about the development of PLN’s will help everyone that has taken this class immensely as I believe social media has been misused for the most part. I feel that if more students were to explore other classes like this one, social media could potentially start to change from being a mostly negative place for people, to being something of significant value.

Since starting this course, I have been more mindful of inclusivity in my PLN and working to weed out any distractions that could be taking away from my progression as a human. I also have been trying to add as many people as I can to my PLN that are driven and passionate professionals that I look up to. I believe that surrounding yourself with a diverse community that has your core values will amplify your progression throughout life.

Do you continue with your created content and your network, how do you use your skills in professional practice?

I enjoyed the process of writing blogs every week and I believe I will continue writing some form of blog for the years to come. I found that after physically writing my thoughts down in these blogs over the last semester has helped my further understand my ideologies and the flaws they might have had. So, with that knowledge in mind, I will continue to use writing as a tool to help me get further ahead.


Blog Post #7

Post #7 – Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes and questions below by reflecting on how you would curate your social media with a critical public audience.

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

There are many risks for public figures when engaging with an audience in a public space. The main risk would be the loss of your job for saying something online that doesn’t align with your companies’ values. This could be detrimental in the way humans have conversations by muting people who feel unsafe from expressing their personal views on an issue. This is quite troubling as I feel many of our smartest people holding high level occupations are unable to express their opinions on issues in fear of being fired from their jobs.

Further your thoughts by exploring how employers use social media policy to hire, terminate or suspend individuals who use social media inappropriately or contrary to employer expectations – how would you address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy? Can you provide notable examples?

Unless you keep your accounts on private, anyone in the world has the ability to see what you are posting online. Employers are using social media more than ever while analysing prospective employees. Job seekers must be mindful of the eyes that may be on their profiles because it could be the difference between getting the job or not. I feel that social media screening is a good idea in practice, but I also believe that it is overused and may not be as important in the big picture. I think if an employer has differing views from an employee on certain issues, it is not the defining answer of whether or not the person is a capable employee.

How do notable individuals use social media?

Notable individuals use social media as a means of communication with their fans/customers/family and as a marketing tool to grow their personal brands. They normally stay away from negative commentary and keep things positive.

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN? (career development in the public eye)

Developing your career in the public eye can have major benefits to you if done properly. A public PLN allows you to be exposed to everybody during your career rise and will allow others to see your value and will in turn grow your PLN into something more powerful as time goes on. You will develop many connections throughout this journey that will only make your career goals more achievable and accessible.

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits of having social media directly associated with employment? (verified accounts because of employment, accounts that are professional versus personal, hybrid accounts)

One benefits of having an exclusive online community for work purposes are ease of communication between all members of the team. At my last restaurant job, there was an app we used called 7Shifts that all staff members were able to communicate on. It was easy for managers to get announcements out to the staff and for staff to gets shifts covered last minute. It was also very beneficial for staff gatherings which aided in the community aspects of work.

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how does one build a PLN that can be consistently relied on?

Building a PLN that you can trust and rely on is very important. Use your intuition and make sure to have an inclusive and diverse PLN. Be mindful to listen to every angle of a situation and narrow down the people you trust so you are not being fed unverified information that will distort your ideologies.

How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

Veteran storytellers could minimize their risk by focusing on areas that they are well versed in, rather than veering into areas that they are unfamiliar because there are many consequences for spreading misinformation.



Hirst, M. Navigating social journalism.


Blog Post #6

How does social media help engage in community-based communications?

Social media has given the general public a bigger voice than ever before when it comes to serious issues in society. Although there are many downfalls of social media in terms of public negativity and misinformation, it is a place where meaningful conversations happen very regularly. I believe that, with the proper adjustments, the social media world will exponentialize communities’ ability to discuss ideas with the people in power to make real change happen locally, and across the globe. This helps immensely with the “citizen to leader” conversations that didn’t happen at scale before social media was present. Pooley et al states, “Publics are the element that keeps democracies democratic.” I believe social media has amplified the pubic communication that keeps our democracy democratic.

How does social media challenge community-based communications?

Before social media took off, it seemed that the voices of community members where not always heard, and the conversations driven by the community carried less weight than they do today. With the ability for everyone to communicate across the entire planet, certain issues going on globally can be discussed by everyone in real time. In 1990 for instance, you would have to wait for the news to see a certain issue, then you would maybe talk about these issues amongst your small group or family, and then maybe you see someone at grocery store and chat about it some more. This is a very slow flow of information to the public and also between community members. Furthermore, the ability for the general public to express their thoughts on the certain issue to people in power was almost non-existent. With social media, the general public receives information instantaneously and can immediately start the conversation around this topic on a multitude of different platforms.

Are there cultural sensitivities that should be considered?

Engaging online is something that gives individuals great power, but it also comes with great personal responsibility. Essentially, while you are online, you must realize that what you portray online is an extension of your biological self offline. You must act online how you want to be seen in real life.

What should your PLN say about you as you communicate to the public via social media or communication tools?

Your PLN should portray the identity of what you want to be seen as in the public eye. If you have your name attached to your social media profiles, everything you do online is given the exact same weight as what you say offline, so make sure you are being your true self.

What does it mean to balance your professional expectations and your personal beliefs in curating a PLN for the purpose of career development?

There is a very fine balancing act that you need to be aware of at all times while engaging in the online world. While you may be commenting on something that is out of the sphere of your workplace or profession, the actions you take online can still cause serious issues that you may not have foreshadowed.

Balancing personal beliefs and your professional expectations while conversing online is difficult. I believe when you are being fully true to who you are, while being open to new information to shape your ideologies, is the best way to handle yourself online. This way, you will be participating in conversations on topics that you enjoy, which will increase the power of the conversation. This way you will attract employers who will see the passion in your conversations without having to think about “the right thing to say”.

What do you think you need to reflect on (in regard to your PLN or development of a PLN) to adapt evolving social media communication expectations as a community learns more about who you are?

I believe that I have a better idea on how I want to curate my PLN thanks to this course. I believe that I need to engage and surround myself with more topics that genuinely excite me so that I can be a more powerful member to the conversation in the community.



Pooley, J., Taub-Pervizpour, L., & Jansen, S. (2013). Media and social justice. New York: Palgrave.

Blog Post #5

The world of media is always changing and over the last decade, podcasts have become a mainstream source of valuable information. There is a wide range of podcasts being created every day that talk about every realm of the world we live in. One of my favorite podcasts over the last few years has been the Joe Rogan Experience. Joe Rogan is an extremely popular Comedian, UFC Commentator and Podcaster who brings in a wide variety of guests to speak on his show for multiple hour sessions. The range of guests Joe speaks to include political leaders, scientists, athletes, comedians, lawyers and many more. The reason I enjoy his show so much is that Joe is a very curious and honest interviewer who wants to have meaningful conversations about issues that are not normally talked about in serious depth on other mainstream platforms. I find that being able to listen to these in-depth interviews allows me to expand my mind in ways that I never knew were possible. It allows me to hear detailed opinions from professionals in areas I may have thought differently on and shape a new way of thinking for myself.  Another reason I enjoy the podcast is because of Joe’s interest and honesty in every topic which creates this genuine, informative and fun conversation.

When starting a podcast, I would say that it is essential for you to make vast amounts of connections in other online spaces such as Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc. To drive traffic to your podcast, you must generate interest in yourself by using other online avenues. By having a larger reach online in general, more and more people will be exposed to your content and you will be creating the trust and interest that will slowly build your credibility and following over time. When engaging on these other platforms, be sure to follow people who are in your interest group and engage in commentary in these groups, as this will exponentially expose you to people who are interested in your specific field.

As far as privacy is concerned, you must be careful of what you are posting and saying online as it is normally permanent. A big issue for podcasters who become influential in a space is that they get major backlash on certain opinions that others may not like. With that being said, you must be aware of the reach you are getting and realize the associated responsibility of this reach.



Woods, Bianca. “Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network.” T+D, vol. 67, no. 11, Nov. 2013, p. 70+. Gale OneFile: Business, Accessed 10 Oct. 2020.




Blog Post #4

How diverse is your existing PLN?

I would say my PLN is quite diverse but I’m always looking to add more people to my PLN. Growing up playing hockey provided me with many different contacts from all backgrounds. Having previous coaches, managers, parents, players, announcers and fans as contacts on different social media sites provides me with a diverse set of individuals to help with everything going on in life. I have also met a lot of students in my Economics program which allows me to reach out for help in school much easier than someone who hasn’t made these connections. There are also many people who I follow that I don’t know personally who teach lessons about life in general which helps with the overall learning process.

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

Personally, I do a lot of listening when it comes to my PLN but I am starting to vocalize my opinions more. As I have been listening over the years, I have been taking in vast amounts of information which has let me fine tune my ideologies and now I am able to express opinions much easier.

Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide-range of interests)?

There are quite a wide range of topics that I am interested in, but I don’t let my focus get to thinned out. The main topics of conversation that I am involved in include, economics, business, MMA and hockey but I always allow myself to venture out into other areas for exploration.

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

Having a diverse PLN will allow you to hear many different opinions and see issues from sides that you may not have thought about prior.

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

The learning outcome of my PLN is very beneficial because the learning is less structured and more fun than sitting in a classroom for an allotted period of time. I am ensuring my exposure to inclusion and diversity by being listening deeply and really considering all of the information presented before making rash ideological claims and or decisions.

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

I have never really thought deeply on the concept of open learning and how social media can help in general learning, but now I am fully conscious on the benefits. I feel I will definitely start to clean up my social media platforms and add contacts that are going to help me learn more as a human being. I will also try to contribute as much content as I can to my PLN because adding value to your followers will contribute to the overall power of the PLN.



Blog Post #3

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Students are currently using a multitude of different platforms to develop their professional network such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Although LinkedIn is the most notable platform for professional networking, Twitter and Facebook offer opportunities to build more casual relationships which can really benefit you professionally as well. Any positive connections you make in this world, from casual to professional, will increase the size of your social network as a whole which will positively affect your professional network.

What can you (as a student) consider expanding your professional learning network?

For students, any connection you make at school is expanding your professional network. Everyone who is actively at University is a good person to have in your network. These are the types of people who are hardworking and are striving for many different types of success in life and having connections from these types of groups is very beneficial. This can be students, professors, guest speakers, TA’s and the list goes on.

In your network, how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

Your digital identity is shaped by the way you interact with your followers and anyone else who can view your posts, comments and actions online. To create a positive digital identity, you must add value to the online community around you. This includes posting meaningful content that your followers can utilize, providing constructive and positive comments on other user’s posts, and not engaging in negative or hateful commentary. By doing the opposite of these things, you would find yourself building a negative digital identity which, in my opinion, is very unhealthy and will carry over into your non-digital identity.

Consider what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them – can they search the content, is it of benefit to the career path, does it hinder the opportunity of employment?

One thing about social media that has changed the game in the job searching sector, is that employers can see what types of activities and commentary that prospective employees are engaging in. If an individual has a bad reputation online, chances are that person might not be the fit for a searching employer who is trying to build a positive culture at his/her business. On the flip side, if an employer sees that the individual is interacting actively and positively on LinkedIn, they will see an asset for their business.

Blog Post #2

What is a digital identity?

A digital identity is the congregation of a person’s online presence, and how this presence is viewed by the rest of world online. Building your social identity is a very important step in 2020 as everything seems to be moving to the digital realms. You can have a positive digital identity by sharing meaningful content and providing positive feedback to the people you follow. Contrary to that, you could build a negative digital identity by engaging in hateful commentary and promoting/providing negative content on the web.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

There are many uses for social media but there are two main ones that I will elaborate on. The first use for social media is for leisure. People use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like for interacting with friends, sharing videos, and playing games. Contrary to this, social media can be used to create a professional personal identity. For this, users look to platforms such as LinkedIn where the individual can showcase their professional skills and achievements in an online resume. These platforms make it much easier for business owners to connect with potential employees who are perfect for their open positions. It also gives employers the ability to search for the exact skills they are looking for in a worker and allow these connections to be made much more efficiently.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

The net as a whole has allowed humans to communicate and access information at a profound rate which has come with some major benefits but also some major drawbacks. Some of these benefits include the ability to collaborate on projects from anywhere in the world. Someone in China and someone in Sweden could be working on the same engineering project together by collaborating using Google Docs. Another benefit is the ease of news transmission and the ability for everyday individuals to speak up on these news topics. It is amazing that a normal individual has the ability to vocalize their opinion on an issue and have the potential to reach the whole world with their idea. The main drawbacks of digital identities in networked public is the mass amount of negativity. On Twitter and Reddit especially, the platforms allow users to create anonymous accounts which is a serious problem. Users with an anonymous profile are able to say whatever they want to say to people without tarnishing their biological identity. There is no accountability with these people and lots of the time, these hateful anonymous accounts are constricting social platforms by weeding out the positive and beneficial material. If social media companies would exile anonymous accounts and try to alleviate some of the negativity, social networks would be exponentially more beneficial to the acceleration and progression of humanity.

Blog Post #1

What does it mean to network using social media?

Networking on social media has become one of the main means of communication in 2020. First of all, social media allows you to be instantaneously up to date on major news events around the world. Rather than having to wait for the evening news daily, you can look at the major events as they are happening in real time. Secondly, it allows you to have a vast network of human resources that you can connect with from anywhere in the world. I have found this has kept me closer with my friends and family who live back in my hometown by keeping me up to date with their daily activities. It has also helped me engage with classmates throughout my degree which has translated into a higher academic performance. Professional communication in the business world has grown significantly with the recent rise of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a platform for individuals to showcase their personal accolades, skills and previous work experience. It essentially acts as an online resume for individuals. LinkedIn also acts as a communication platform for business to interact with other businesses, potential employees, current employees, consumers etc.

How do people learn & engage using mediated platforms?

There is an incredible amount of information passed around on social media which provides countless opportunities for learning. Whether it be short videos on Tik Tok showing you how to perform cool dance moves or a video showing you a stock market trading tip, the opportunities are endless. You can follow the best professional photographers, business professionals, celebrities and numerous others, who all post informational and entertainment content all the time.

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

Since social media has become a major part of everyday life for the majority of the population, I believe that individuals and businesses would be setting themselves back greatly by not being involved with all of these platforms of engagement. The speed at which communication activities can be done through social platforms is insurmountable compared to the old ways of communication (email, fax, etc.). Business to business, business to employee and business to consumer interactions are all streamlined which creates more efficient and effective commerce.

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

With all of the rewards that come out of social media, there also come a few risks that you have to be aware of. Privacy is a huge issue when it comes to the use of social media. The more information you put up about yourself online, the more information someone is going to have if the find a way to illegally access your social media accounts. I was on the receiving end of an unfortunate hacking situation which saw me lose my personal Instagram account I had been building for 8 years. This was very devasting for me as I had to change passwords for over 20 other accounts to make sure this person couldn’t get access to anything else I was using. It was also devastating because it takes a significant amount of time to build a loyal following and losing something of that nature in the business world is quite a loss.

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